Thursday, November 13, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has changed my life COMPLETELY! It has kept me in touch with people that I have seen or talked to in years. I have been reiunited with old friends, and even family members that I have never met before. It has taught me more about writing and web designing and html coding. It will continue to change everyone's life because it will keep getting better and better. Eventually, it will have way better technology and programs. Web 2.0 will have a HUGE impact on media because that is how people spread news and write about issues going on in the world. People write blogs and articles online so everyone else can see what is going on, and see what other people have to say about certain issues. I believe that the web will become even more huge and popular than it already is.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The World is Ready For Change

As we all now know, Barack Obama was elected president of the United States on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Personally, I was really happy when I watched the news and they announced that Barack Obama won the election. I knew from the very beginning that Obama was going to win because the whole country knows that it is now time for a change. I am honored to have Barack Obama as president because I know that he will bring our country back together and he will make a change. I trust every word that comes out of his mouth and I know he will follow through. When he makes a speech, its so powerful because its original and he really has a way with words. I think that Obama will make a change and make this country a way better place, and he will actually listen to the thoughts and concerns of his people. For the world, Obama has made HISTORY. He is the First african american president of the United States and that will be in history books forever! This election has been a very emotional election for the people of America. People have been waiting for years for something like this to happen, for something as important as this, and most of all, for change.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Most Important Factor For Reporting

I think that the main factor for reporting or media is finding true facts and information. I agree with this because without true facts and information you won't have a true story to show the world. You can't just think something is true, you have to know FOR SURE that it is the truth, otherwise you'll be telling people a false story and false facts. In order to find true facts, you have to dig down deep, interview people, and do a lot of research. You can't just make anything up.